Thighs Liposuction S1 : Post-op Day 45

Before I left my house to fly to Medan, I thought that it would be a good idea to make and keep the measurements of my thighs. Boy, was I glad I did that. Before liposuction my left and right thigh measures: 51 cm and 52 cm (from the top: near the groin), 45 cm and 45.5 cm (the middle), 37.5 cm and 38 cm (bottom: around the knees) in circumference respectively. Now after liposuction my left thigh measures : 49 cm (from the top: near the groin), 44.5 cm (the middle) and 38 cm (bottom: around the knees).

By post op day 45, there is already around 1 – 2cm difference on my thighs. The number may seem small, but my thigh will continue to be much smaller in the coming months. I am very happy as I know this would not have happened easily (or any way at all) if I were to slim down my thighs through dieting and exercise. Because I cannot control how and from where I want my body to slim down. But with liposuction, there is a greater “control” on the areas that I want to maintain and the areas where I want it to be smaller.

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